Advocates Urge Hospital Care for Jailed Lawmaker

Doctors at the Preah Ket Melea military hospital are not equipped to treat the medical concerns of jailed opposition lawmaker Cheam Chan­ny, senior opposition party mem­ber Mu Sochua said Wed­nes­­day.

Mu Sochua said she has visited Che­am Channy every other Satur­day, alternating weeks with his family members. She pointed to a May 24 report from the rights group Licadho that found 12 health is­sues Cheam Channy has that re­quire examination by an outside doc­tor.

“Physically, you look at him, he’s OK, [but] there is great concern about his heart,” Mu Sochua said. “He needs an X-ray.”

“We do not trust the doctors that are provided to him at the prison,” she added. “[The prison] is not equipped.”

Licadho has filed a request with the courts asking that Cheam Chan­ny be examined at a hospital. Mil­itary Court Investigating Judge Pok Porn said Tuesday that doctors at the military hospital would have to examine him further be­fore any decision about outside treat­ment can be made.

Cheam Channy was arrested Feb 3 on allegations that he established a so-called illegal armed force. The arrest came after he and two other opposition lawmakers, Chea Poch and party leader Sam Rain­sy, were stripped of their parliamentary immunity. Both Sam Rain­sy and Chea Poch have since fled the country.

Mu Sochua said that the psychological pressure being caused by his pre-trial detention has already guaranteed that Cheam Channy won’t re­ceive a fair trial.

“They’re intentionally trying to weaken him. It’s already an unfair trial,” she said.

Mu Sochua called on Cheam Channy’s colleagues in the Na­tional Assembly to support him.

“He’s a member of parliament elected by the people, so it has an ef­fect on the National Assembly, an institution that guarantees the up­holding of the democratic principles,” she said. “How come the Na­tional Assembly as a whole is not con­cerned?”


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