ADB Chooses Cambodia FM

Finance Minister Keat Chhon has been selected vice chairman of the Asian Development Bank’s 58-member Board of Governors.

“This is an honor to Cambodia. This shows that countries in Asia recognize Cambodia’s achievements in reforms,” the finance minister said upon returning from the bank’s annual meeting in Chiang Mai, Thai­land, where a vote for new executive officials took place. A US representative became chairman of the board.

Urooj Malik, Asian Develop­ment Bank representative for Cambodia, hailed the selection.

“This is a welcome development for Cambodia,” said Malik, “It is an honorable and influential position. He would represent the views of developing countries at the board.”

According to the bank, the board consists of 36 regional mem­bers and 22 non-regional mem­bers such as the US, Euro­pean countries and Japan.

“I would like to contribute to make the gap between the nations of rich and poor much closer,” he said.


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