She found a fun angle on Khmer Rouge genocide. Cambodian filmmaker Ines Sothea on her debut short film, and future plans

Ines Sothea was told how lucky she was not to have been born under the Khmer Rouge. She delved into how people survived the regime and learned kids had had fun.

Unless you’re some sort of vile perpetrator, it is difficult to conceive of having fun during a genocide.

Nevertheless, some innocents, perhaps too young to appreciate the horror, managed to do so despite Cambodia’s barbaric Khmer Rouge dictatorship of 1975 to 1979, which resulted in the deaths of an estimated 2 million or more people.

They were the subject of the short film Rice (2014), by Cambodian filmmaker Ines Sothea, which pits the naivety of youth against the Khmer Rouge’s brutality.

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