Two People Sent to Jail in Cambodia for Illegally Possessing Body Parts of Protected Wildlife

Two people in Cambodia have been sentenced to 26 months in jail each for possessing body parts of protected wild animals. It’s the first successful case like this since the Johor National Park was created 27 years ago. It’s also a success given that the illegal wildlife trade affects one-fifth of vertebrates on land. Wild animals clearly are in need of more protection, and this case being taken seriously will hopefully discourage other poachers or traffickers from harming wild animals, especially protected ones.

The two people involved in the case had feathers of a Kuang Raya bird, meat of a Bornean bearded pig, and fangs of a Malayan Porcupine. The crimes were committed in Endau-Rompin Selai (Johor) National Park. These animals are protected under the Wildlife Conservation Act 2010.

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