Cambodian Bicycle Coalition Remains Positive on Outcome EU Review

The Cambodian Bicycle Coalition (CBC), representing the three bicycle manufacturers exporting to the European Union, is encouraged that Bike Europe reported on October 22, 2019 that Cambodia remains the largest supplier of bicycles to the EU during the first half of 2019. At the same time the CBC is concerned the report cited a decline in volumes from the possible impact of the on-going “Everything But Arms” (EBA) review procedure by the European Commission that could potentially lead to the suspension of the tariff preference for Cambodian bicycle exports to the EU.

Last week Bike Europe reported that Cambodia remains EU’s biggest bike supplier despite the threat that the country could lose its duty-free import status for all EU member states for regular bicycles. That status is allowing companies operating in the country for a 14 percent import duty edge on countries that do not hold such status. It pushed Cambodia to be EU’s leading supplier which also was the fact in the first half of 2019. However, its export to the EU showed a slight drop for the first time in years.

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